Horse Rescue

Horse Rescue

Horse rescue will be a dominant focus of Unbridled Hope and Healing Center. Rescue horses include wild horses and horses that are abused, neglected, abandoned, unwanted, physically damaged, or injured.

Rescued and wild horses will be rehabilitated, healed, and cared for in hopes of receiving basic training or basic wild training to help in the horse’s ability to collaborate in therapy, or resale, or adoption opportunities.

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Unbridled Hope and Healing Center is a horse rescue and comprehensive therapy center focusing on providing free services for military veterans, children, couples, and families in need. Licensed treatment professionals and horse professionals will incorporate equine movement and activities (mounted or un-mounted) in an equine environment for the purpose of rehabilitating individuals and horses physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Our staff of professionals will use evidence-based practice and clinical reasoning to use horses as an integral and experiential tool for treatment in addressing:

  • Veterans dealing with PTSD and other trauma issues

  • Physical Disabilities

  • Individuals dealing with issues of childhood trauma

  • Persons suffering from depression and anxiety

  • Victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse

  • Cognitive disabilities

  • Speech and language disabilities

  • Domestic violence victims and perpetrators